Pacific Sugar Holdings Corp

Pacific Sugar Holdings Corp

In 2007, Filinvest made a significant move by acquiring a complete ownership stake of 100% in Pacific Sugar Holdings Corporation (PSHC) from AL. Gotianun, Inc. (formerly ALG Holdings Corporation). This acquisition marked a pivotal moment in our commitment to the sugar industry.

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Mindanao-Based Sugar Enterprises:

Under PSHC’s umbrella, three prominent Mindanao-based sugar companies thrive: Davao Sugar Central Company (DSCC), Cotabato Sugar Central Company (CSCC), and High Yield Sugar Farms Corporation (HYFSC). Both DSCC and CSCC possess and manage sugar mills and refineries, while HYFSC specializes in transforming owned or leased farmland into corporate sugarcane farms.

Community Empowerment and Social Responsibility:

Driven by a profound sense of community and social responsibility, PSHC undertook the task of rebuilding and expanding the sugar mills it acquired in 1990. These initiatives have significantly impacted nearly 20,000 hectares of sugarcane plantations across Southern and Central Mindanao.

Working hand in hand with small-scale sugarcane planters and traders, PSHC endeavors to develop agriculture and the local economy, positively influencing the lives of over 10,000 workers and their families.


Environmentally Conscious Operations

The mills operate sustainably by utilizing biofuel derived from bagasse, a by-product of sugarcane milling. Continual enhancements in our factories not only enhance efficiency but also demonstrate our commitment to environmental protection. This revised structure aims to present the information in a segmented and organized manner, allowing readers to grasp the various aspects of the acquisition, the operations of Mindanao-based sugar companies, community involvement, and the commitment to environmentally conscious practices.